PAY, BURGER COCK! Road pricing accelerated by Evil Elite

The national government is radicalizing at an increasingly rapid rate and so has heaps of new jobs from the stasi to the Blue Behavior Control Brigade

The cabinet is on the verge of collapse, perhaps it has already fallen, and now they are also running out of money for all their vile, cruel and sickening plans. So before the whole fag gang inevitably implodes again, vvd and D66 try to lift as many burdens as possible quickly. This road pricing, for example, which is to be introduced in 2030? It will therefore be as soon as possiblebecause it brings in billions. RTL is keeping quiet about being ‘on the table in budget talks’, but we saw a vacancy on LinkedIn a day earlier for a tax-hating citizen who can legally shut down behavior management at from scale 11:

“Climate change affects us all. It also raises a question about how we organize our tax system. Pricing adverse effects and behaviors can contribute to a sustainable economy and better climate policy. […] Do you want to help make our economy more sustainable through the smart use of taxes? […]

The Environmental Taxes and Excises (M&A) department is responsible for advising, preparing, developing and explaining policy and legislation in the area of ​​environmental taxes, vehicle taxes, excise duties and any health taxes. Consider, for example, limiting your sugar intake. We work on current social issues, such as the further greening of the tax system and CO2 taxes. […]

Ongoing files include, for example, stimulating energy savings through an energy tax, introducing payment per kilometer traveled (pay-as-you-go) for all motorists in 2030. We are raising consumer awareness of the negative external effects of flying through an air passenger tax and we are trying to prevent unhealthy behaviors such as smoking. discouraged by tobacco taxes.

If this pinch shoe for others looks good on you, then by all means Environmental tax and excise policy manager among the evil elite.


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