After the rain comes the sun (but Thursday the good weather is over)

Foto: Ben Saanen

At the beginning of next week you can enjoy beautiful spring days, it will be warm and sunny. You really have to take it for a while, according to Raymond Klaassen of Weerplaza. Thursday, the temperature will plunge again. “Then it’s again with mild weather.” Before the good weather arrives, we have to deal with changing weather conditions this weekend. …

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New Zealand allows couples to leave after miscarriage

New Zealand allows couples to leave after miscarriage

New Zealand’s parliament passed a law allowing couples three days of paid leave after miscarriage. New Zealand workers were already entitled to paid leave after a so-called stillbirth, when the pregnancy was terminated after 20 weeks or more. But the new law goes further. From now on, for any premature termination of pregnancy, couples are entitled to three days of …

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“It will be pretty tight in qualifying”

"It will be pretty tight in qualifying"

Sergio Perez started his first Formula 1 Grand Prix weekend as a driver for Red Bull Racing. It looks like the gap between Red Bull and Mercedes has been closed over the winter, and the Mexican reports his team still have some room for improvement on the soft tire. A fight for first place It’s not something we’ve seen many …

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Biden on controversial Georgia election law: ‘anti-American horror’

Biden on controversial Georgia election law: 'anti-American horror'

It is not uncommon for voters to wait hours before they can vote. This is mainly a problem in black neighborhoods as there are relatively fewer polling stations there. As a result, black voters are disproportionately hit by the law, opponents say. They believe this is precisely the Republicans’ intention. Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp contradicts this. He says the …

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The new House of Representatives is much more diverse and younger

The new House of Representatives is much more diverse and younger

The new House of Representatives is much more colorful and younger than the previous one. About 15 percent of MPs are of non-Western origin, almost double that. This is clear from Trouw’s analysis of the election results. The Chamber, which will be installed on Wednesday, will be a good reflection of the Dutch population. There the share is 14 percent. …

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Joe Biden is also counting on the EU to deal with China

Joe Biden is also counting on the EU to deal with China

Blingen expressed deep concern about cyber attacks in Uyghur, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the economic persecution of US allies. His Chinese spokesman, Yang Jiechi, accused Blingen of hypocrisy because the United States could not be there to lecture China on human rights and democracy because of the Black Lives Matter movement and the Capitol storm. Under Donald Trump, relations …

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CDA: “No place for personal interest and personal enrichment” | 1Limburg

CDA: "No place for personal interest and personal enrichment" |  1Limburg

CDA Limburg congratulates former Commissioners Ger Koopmans and Hubert Mackus for their “difficult but courageous decision” to resign and at the same time remain available for ongoing investigations. “They take their administrative responsibility for what they did not supervise and what happened under their administration. It is pure constitutional law,” the regional branch wrote in a statement signed by President …

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PS4 games may become unplayable if the internal PS4 battery is drained

PS4 games may become unplayable if the internal PS4 battery is drained

The PlayStation 4 has an internal clock powered by a battery. As with any battery, it can run out or die at some point and that gives rise to some concern. The console uses, among other things, the internal clock to give trophies a specific unlock time and date. This is to prevent players from manipulating it manually. In addition, …

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Cows killed at sea for months: ‘malnourished and dehydrated’

Cows killed at sea for months: 'malnourished and dehydrated'

Upon inspection, there were still 1,610 cows on the vessel. 179 cattle died during the trip and were thrown overboard. The inspection report shows that many animals suffered from malnutrition, dehydration and sometimes poop down to the hoofs. The report (pdf) has been disclosed to a Spanish animal rights organization. How did it come to this? Back to December 18 …

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Thailand wants to host World Cup in 2034

Thailand wants to host World Cup in 2034

The Thai cabinet decided this week to support a proposal to organize the FIFA World Cup in 2034, with Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. The countries will jointly propose a plan to the FIFA World Football Association to play the final tournament in Southeast Asia. The matches are expected to take place in the 10 ASEAN countries, so in addition …

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Oscars under fire for digital speech ban

Oscars under fire for digital speech ban

The Oscars ceremonies will take place next month. However, Steven Soderbergh and other 93rd Oscar producers have now come under fire after saying victory speeches via Zoom are not allowed. In other words, the winners will need to be physically present at the Los Angeles awards ceremony on April 25, which creates logistical challenges for some nominees. For example, some …

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New Zealand Catholic Church Apologizes for Abuse | Abroad

New Zealand Catholic Church Apologizes for Abuse |  Abroad

“Today, given the importance of this moment, I express my regret to you, also on behalf of the bishops and other religious leaders,” he said. “Today I also apologize on behalf of those who have come before us as bishops and leaders of the Catholic Church. We don’t justify them or our actions, which caused damage, ”Dew said. Prime Minister …

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