Over 40,000 to Come: SpaceX Launches About 60 Additional Satellites For High Speed ​​Internet From Space | Science and planet

Space company SpaceX yesterday launched sixty satellites into space. The mission is part of the deployment of Starlink, the broadband network that Elon Musk’s company is developing. Starlink’s goal is to develop super-fast internet in remote places around the world.


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Belga, Business Insider, Tweakers

SpaceX’s Falcon-9 took off from Cape Canaveral base in Florida as scheduled at 9:01 p.m. Belgian time. On board the launcher were sixty Starlink satellites each weighing 260 kilograms. The launch could be followed on SpaceX’s website.

The first rocket stage returned and landed cleanly on the droneship Of course i still love you that floated in northeast Florida. The staircase was on its ninth mission and is the oldest reusable space available on SpaceX. It was the 82nd time since 2015 that SpaceX could recover a first stage. Thanks to this reuse, the cost of launching is reduced.

Already 1565 Starlinks in space

Just over an hour after launch, all 60 satellites at an altitude of 293 kilometers near New Zealand were released all at once. 1565 Starlinks have already been launched into space. By 2024, around 12,000 satellites are expected to be in space. SpaceX ultimately wants to increase that number to 42,000.

1565 Starlinks have already been launched into space
1565 Starlinks have already been launched into space © Photonews

Yesterday’s launch was the 26th mission of Starlink, the broadband broadband network SpaceX is building, and the constellation’s thirteenth launch this year. The first sixty satellites were launched two years ago.

10,000 beta users

Tesla boss Elon Musk wants to use the satellite network to provide high-speed, high-speed internet access from space to all corners of the world. The internet currently relies on ground cables, but this is expensive to install and not always possible. Musk hopes to provide an answer to this with his satellite network.

SpaceX began offering Starlink as a beta service in October 2020 and now has around 10,000 test users.

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© AP

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