Nature black guest editors want to fight racism in science

black scientists Argue in the famous British scientific journal Nature that science must overcome its racist heritage. As guest editors, they will accompany articles on racism in science.

After the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, the prestigious magazine promised Nature to listen to the substantial message of this movement. The magazine has asked four black scientists to be guest editors for a series of publications on racism in science later this year.

They are political scientist Melissa Nobels (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), biologist Chad Womack (United Negro College Fund), geneticist Ambroise Wonkam (John Hopkins University) and climate activist Elizabeth Wathuti.

“Apartheid, colonization, forced labor, imperialism and slavery have left an indelible mark on science,” the four say. According to them, the effects are reflected in science through racial theories and racial inequality in science itself.

However, the four do not only want to practice scientific criticism in Nature† They also want to showcase examples of successful Black, Indigenous, and scientists of color to inspire their communities.

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