Millionaires Form: 73% will own Bitcoin by 2022, Survey

Hundreds of millionaires have revealed in a new survey that they may have already invested in Bitcoin or plan to invest in cryptocurrency over the next two years.

Millionaires do not want to quit bitcoin

The Dever Group’s new global poll shows that 73% of millionaires will invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum and cryptocurrencies. XRP, Invest in them by the end of 2022 or already. The discoveries came as the price of bitcoin rose to 18 18,000 last.

Dever Group is a large independent financial consulting firm. The group listened to more than 700 of its high net worth customers – with assets of more than 1 million investments – currently residing in the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, Australia and Latin America.

Nigel Green, Founder and CEO of Dever Group, commented: “The price of Bitcoin has risen 125% since the beginning of the year, making it one of the best performing assets of the year again:”

As the survey shows, this impressive performance attracts the attention of wealthy investors, who increasingly understand that digital currencies are the future of money and do not want to be left behind.

The group conducted a similar survey last year, finding that 68% of millionaires are going to invest in cryptocurrencies over the next two years or have already invested.

Green explained that there was no doubt that high net worth customers voted, “a major impetus for the rise in prices is the growing interest from corporate investors, including some large Wall Street banks, who are capitalizing on the high returns that the digital asset class currently offers.” PayPal Now providing cryptocurrency service, allowing customers to buy, sell and hold bitcoin. Recently, including many renowned hedge fund managers Bill Miller, Stan Truckermiller, And Paul Tudor Jones, Said Bitcoin has the potential to surpass gold.

In addition, Green stressed that investors are attracted to bitcoin as a “reasonable hedge against long-term inflation concerns” because of the stimulus packages promised by major governments and central banks worldwide. He elaborated:

These emergency measures, like the massive money printing agenda, devalue traditional currencies such as the dollar.

Green continued by outlining the many attractive properties of cryptocurrencies. First, he said, “they are infinite, they are very relevant to the world of globalized trade, commerce and people.” Second, “they are digital, and they are very relevant to the increasing digitalization of our world.” “The younger generation is more likely to embrace them than the older generation,” he added. Dever CEO concludes:

Individuals with high net worth are not prepared to lose the future of money and are restructuring their portfolios towards these digital assets.

Do you think all millionaires have bitcoin? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image credit: Shutterstock, Pixie, Wiki Commons

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