Defense is no longer involved in the NPO program Koningsbrugge concentration campAVROTROS reports Friday. In the previous two editions, the Commando Corps (KCT) participated in the series, in which ordinary people are subjected to commando training.
In the third season, only well-known Dutch people participate. A Defense spokesman reports in the new edition of the Defense Journal that special commandos don’t want to be in the public eye all the time.
“It also plays a role that we want to preserve the ‘mystique’ of KCT and that the formula of Koningsbrugge concentration camp in the new season no longer sufficiently matches the way the KCT wants to present itself,” the magazine’s spokesperson said. “It’s slowly but surely shifting from infotainment to entertainment as we want to be seen as a professional organization. The KCT does not produce entertainment.”
“In previous editions, it was a privilege to have Defense expertise and resources on board,” said an AVROTROS spokesperson.
“This experience was very instructive for everyone involved in the program. Defense and KCT of course have their main responsibilities and obligations to serve the country, this is of course the main objective. Now everyone is following their own path.”
The first episode of the new season drew 967,000 viewers Thursday night.