Chemistry as the subject of an exciting, fascinating and moving book? Science observer Hetty Helsmoortel has accepted the challenge and has just launched “Chemistry”, a collection of the most surprising stories from “the finest branch of science”.
No, Chemistry is not the title of a high school chemistry textbook. This is Nerdland’s latest book, written by Hetty Helsmoortel, in which she brings together her two great passions: storytelling and science. Chemistry is not a boring course with endless definitions and descriptions, but a collection of exciting, fascinating, moving and great stories from this branch of science. Hetty writes about real people and real events. “It’s my attempt to convey the love I feel for chemistry.”
Who the hell wants to read a book on chemistry if it’s not requested by a teacher?
“(Laughs) I hope as many people as possible! But I understand your question. Chemistry is one of the most hated subjects in high school. Mention the term chemistry to a hundred Flemings and at least eighty will make a face. But there is so much beauty in chemistry. When I went to college and started studying chemistry, the puzzle pieces of the world suddenly fell into place, it seemed. Suddenly a calm came over me because I saw that the world was very logical and beautiful. I hope to convey this wonder and passion to my readers. Moreover, it is an area with a very interesting history, colorful characters and amazing stories.
Maybe we all have more to do with chemistry than we think?
“Absolute. Everything is chemistry! Although every scientist can say that of his own field. A mathematician thinks everything is mathematical, a physicist thinks everything is physical. But much of our world is chemistry, or can be explained to The book contains examples on PFAS in Zwijndrecht, on the composition of billiard balls, on photography, on the precursor of plastic – bakelite – invented by a Belgian. there’s more chemistry in the world than you might think.
Mention the term chemistry to a hundred Flemings and at least eighty will wince. »
Was it difficult to make the book not too complicated, but also not too simple?
“It was indeed a difficult balance. I constantly sought the balance between ‘I already knew’ and ‘it was surprising’. You should know that the target audience for the book is very broad in terms of basic knowledge. , from hardcore Nerdland fans to my grandmother. I’ve had friends and relatives who aren’t scientists pre-read each chapter. Will my grandmother start? I hope so. Will your neighbor enjoy it? No idea, but anyone interested in science can have a great time with it. I wrote it as accessible and narrative as possible.
You have already mentioned PFAS yourself. Chemistry does not always receive positive media coverage.
“Beats. Nowadays, chemistry is often linked to polluters. Not always unfairly, but I have noticed in recent months that chemistry is working very hard on solutions. Not only for PFAS, but also, for example, for purify CO2 from the air. Where chemistry has often been part of the problem in the past, it will prove in the future that it can be part of the solution. In any case, the latest breakthroughs in chemistry have come from that angle.
‘Chemie’, by Hetty Helsmoortel (Borgerhoff & Lamberigts publishers) is now available in bookstores.
“Food expert. Unapologetic bacon maven. Beer enthusiast. Pop cultureaholic. General travel scholar. Total internet buff.”