Head of football at NOS: “Stomach aches from signals of abuse”

“I think it’s really bad. I’ve had a stomach ache all weekend. The only thing I hope is that we’ll know what we’re talking about soon. I don’t know either,” said Vermeulen, 62.

“You need to figure out now, and it will happen very soon, what the size is and what’s going on. Then you can do something about it.”

Vermeulen does not know if he himself can be blamed for anything. “That is of course a question you ask yourself. I really have no idea. I would also like to know what will come out of such a study.”

The commentator went on to say that he still thinks he never crossed a line himself. So he doesn’t worry about himself. “The most important thing is that these disorders need to be addressed in the newsroom, so I’m very glad we asked this question.”

Tracking Search

Following Volkskrant’s extensive investigation into abuse at De Wereld Draait Door, NOS asked its own employees whether such incidents had occurred within the organization. Several reports then came in, the broadcaster said on Friday.

An external confidential advisor is currently carrying out an inventory of “the nature and impact of the signals”. The NOS then decides if further steps are necessary.

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