Harke Bosma receives the Abel Tasman Medal of Honor

Lutjegast – Harke Bosma, former president of the Abel Tasman Museum in Lutjegast, received the Abel Tasman Medal of Honor from Mayor Ard van der Tuuk on Friday 31 March.

A special moment, because it is only the third time that this highest distinction has been awarded by the municipality of Westerkwartier. Richard Kempthorne, former mayor of New Zealand’s sister municipality of Tasman District, and cyclist Bauke Mollema have previously received the honour.

Only in special cases
“We only award the Abel Tasman Medal of Honor in very special cases to a person, group or organization that has made an extraordinary contribution to the municipality of Westerkwartier,” Mayor Ard van der Tuuk said. “During the ten years he was President of the Abel Tasman Museum, Harke Bosma made an extremely valuable contribution to the museum itself, to Lutjegast and its surroundings, to our municipality of Westerkwartier and to the province of Groningen. In particular also to our contacts in Tasmania, New Zealand and Australia. These are extraordinary achievements with which Harke has added great value to many over the past ten years.

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