Crowdfunding for duo bike in Nieuw and Sint Joosland

Duo bike is intended for the inhabitants of Binnenhaven, Zorgstroon and the inhabitants of the village.

The employees of Binnenhaven have a dream: a duo bicycle for the inhabitants of Binnenhaven and the inhabitants of Nieuw and Sint Joosland. So that the duo bike is really something together and can be used to the fullest. So that there is room for movement, meetings and connections. A side-by-side bike has many advantages. It seems so easy, riding a bike. Unfortunately, this is no longer for everyone. A duo bike offers the possibility of cycling again. Because employees want that on everyone, they start crowdfunding.

The objective is to achieve the tandem side by side from June 2021. At least … if the organization raises enough money. A large amount has already been collected, will you also help the Binnenhaven? The side-by-side bike still requires 2250 EUR. That is why the organization is asking for your help for the last part.

Volunteers wanted
The organization is also looking for volunteers who wish to cycle.
You can register at: [email protected]

Start crowdfunding
Crowdfunding starts April 7 via:
Here you can donate online. Thank you very much for your help.
We can’t wait to cycle together on the duo bike!

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