Controversial North Stream 2 | The United States is now threatening sanctions against companies that create the

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinkan wants companies involved in the construction of the disputed Nortstream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany to stop working “immediately”. Otherwise, they may face sanctions from the United States.

The U.S. government says the gas pipeline connection will give the Russians more influence in Europe. Washington has repeatedly threatened sanctions against companies involved in laying the pipeline. One of these is the oil and gas group shell. European countries such as Poland and Ukraine are also strongly opposed to the plan.

“Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal for our allies and partners in Germany, Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe,” Blinken said. According to him, the pipeline under the Baltic Sea is “a Russian geopolitical plan to divide Europe and weaken European energy security.”

Germany indicated last month that it would be behind construction for now. Berlin had previously agreed to restart the project after the previous permit expired. Stream 2 will double the capacity of the North Stream gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea.

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