CNV wants inflation relief for all employees

Prices are soaring right now; calculated on the whole of 2022 by almost 10%. Purchasing power will therefore fall by nearly 7% on average. The CNV wants to deal with this loss. It is unacceptable that people who have a job, benefits or a pension are simply losers. We call on employers and government to take responsibility and restore purchasing power.

The space is there
Work must pay in the Netherlands. Therefore, employers have to increase wages more than usual in recent years. This space is simply there for most businesses, governments, and other organizations. Even if inflation returns to normal levels in 2023, we will look to 2022 to repair the resulting loss in purchasing power.

Illustration photo © Steve Woods |

The CNV assumes a salary demand between 5% and 10%. We are looking at the possibilities by collective agreement. For example, if an employer is clearly suffering from high (energy) costs, we can adjust our wage demand downwards. In companies that make big profits, we actually go up. Ultimately, the members determine the amount of our wage demand by collective agreement. If there is room for improvement to current collective labor agreements, we will discuss additional agreements with employers.

Net more
The CNV also appeals to the government in The Hague for the restoration of purchasing power. For example, we argue for a reduction in labor tax, so that you are left with more net surplus. We carry out targeted campaigns in certain sectors, such as health or sheltered employment, because there is a need for additional money from the government.

talk and act
Collective bargaining always starts with a conversation between employers and employees, but if action is needed to reinforce employee demands, for example if employers keep their purse strings in check after long discussions, they will come. The members always decide for themselves which means to use. We do not rule out strikes, but only if other means have been exhausted.

Everyone benefits if the negotiations of the collective labor agreement are fast and constructive. In this way, together we ensure that workers in the Netherlands quickly overcome the current situation.

Source: NVC

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