Cabinet allowed to experiment with new ballot in elections

The cabinet wants to switch to a new ballot form, as the current ballot is very large due to the many parties and names on it. The bill became clumsy and inconvenient for voters, poll workers, and enumerators. This is especially the case for older people or people with (visual) disabilities. Still in the counting process, the risk of errors is greater with the large ballot paper which is difficult to unfold and read.

It’s unclear what a new ballot design will look like. The two chambers have not yet decided on a new design before the experiment can begin. For each election, the Minister of the Interior will designate one or more municipalities where a new ballot can be tested. The municipal council must first give its consent.

Voters Abroad

Towards the summer, Minister Hanke Bruins Slot (Home Affairs) will announce at which election the experiment will begin.

The bill received support from PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, SP, PvdD, SGP, ChristenUnie, CDA, VVD and 50PLUS. Against another ballot were the Nanninga fraction, the Otten fraction, the PVV, the FVD and the Frentrop fraction. The OSF was absent.

The Senate also decided that voters abroad can continue to vote in the way that has temporarily been customary since 2014. For national and European elections, they will receive a ballot paper by email and must return it by post. This procedure is now final.

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