Byron Buxton robs Homer of Edwin incarnation

MINNEAPOLIS – Air Buxton landed for almost two weeks, but the duo’s central fielder took off on time to take off and plunder an important home run. Oh, and win a game for his deep decline team. Byrne Buxton made a successful return a

MINNEAPOLIS – Air Buxton landed for almost two weeks, but the duo’s central fielder took off on time to take off and plunder an important home run.

Oh, and win a game for his deep decline team.

Byron Buxton On Tuesday night Edwin Encarnacion successfully returned from a 10-day injury list with a robbery that finally brought Minnesota back to life. The duo immediately tied at the bottom of the frame with a pair of pinch hits, and Buxton’s second win of the night was an RBI single in seventh, beating the White Sox 3-2 to finish first in the last six games.

Box score

The former Platinum Glove winner is not the only one who has brought some of the energy and productivity needed for twins. Michael Pineta He rejoined the club on Tuesday at the end of his 60-game suspension and delivered a great pinata performance – six innings off two runs – leading to a big right-handed and Buxton victory.

When the Encarnacian introduced a Pineta fastball into the left-center field, Buxton turned around the alarm, made a controlled leap into the wall, reached the flowerpots above the wall, grabbed the ball and went down with a home run robbery. According to Stotcast, Buxton closed at 111 feet, with the White Sox designated hitter being 385 feet larger.

Although Buxton may have lost some style points for dropping baseball out of his glove, the most important part was that he controlled his pace and flow, he bumped into the slow padding, and wore not bad, as he and the duo had to admit to some defensive changes in the play to adapt to such risks. Reducing.

Importantly, that speed change is also necessary for crime.

The duo had 11 wins against left-handed batsmen Dallas Keichel and White Sox Bullback, their highest total since August 23, but struggled to find the big win as they piled up a base of eight in the first five innings.

But after the capture of Buxton? Jack Cave A pinch-hit, triple one out in the right-field row, and Louis Ares, Another pinch-hitter, doubled to build a game on the next pitch to finish the game at 2 in the sixth inning.

An inning later, Buxton gave the final touches on a falling comeback. Then Nelson Cruise Double in seventh place and Marvin Gonzalez Walking, Buxton had two out chances, lined up a single in the left field and brought the run to advance home. This left his bat at 106.0 mph, marking the third hardest ball of the night – 105.1-mile field and 108.0-mile combined in a single game.

Doo-Hyung Park includes twins for Follow him on Twitter @dohyoungpark And on Instagram dohyoung.park.

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