Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Businessman | IMF: US economy to grow slightly faster this year

Businessman |  IMF: US economy to grow slightly faster this year

news Topical The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has slightly raised its growth forecast for the US economy this year. However, UN experts point out that interest rates in the US need to be higher to control inflation. The fund is urging Democrats and Republicans in Washington to quickly reach an agreement on the U.S. government’s debt ceiling. AP May 26, …

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Without a deal, the US government could run out of money by June 5 economy

Without a deal, the US government could run out of money by June 5  economy

26 mei 2023 om 23:05Update: 3 uur geleden Unless there is political agreement on raising the US government’s debt ceiling, the US is unlikely to run out of money until June 5. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made that assessment on Friday. June 5 is later than previously predicted. Yellen’s message gives Republicans and Democrats in Congress some more time to …

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Maritime Access to China Province Restricted Against Taiwan Website – Resources

Maritime Access to China Province Restricted Against Taiwan Website – Resources

Beijing said some offshore users of an official Chinese website containing economic and population data on Taiwan and Fujian province had their access blocked and “urgent measures” were taken to deal with the cyber attack. More than half a dozen users aware of the matter said some users outside the mainland were unable to access the Fujian Bureau of Statistics …

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Rabo researchers lament ‘suffocating inflation’

Rabo researchers lament ‘suffocating inflation’

economy•26 May ’23 at 09:25Author of the book: PNR Web Editor Rabobank researchers regret coining term ‘grabbing inflation’ In a recent study, researchers sought to determine whether firms use high inflation to boost profits. The term ‘Graaiflation’ was also used. Researcher Hugo Ergen regrets it later, he tells FD. Ergon says the choice is correct for ‘recognition’ in the debate …

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Chipmakers lift European shares after two-day sell-off

Chipmakers lift European shares after two-day sell-off

European shares steadied on Thursday after their worst two-day sell-off since March as investors balanced concerns over the U.S. debt ceiling impasse and a global economic slowdown. The pan-European STOXX 600 index was flat at 0707 GMT after losing about 2.5% over the past two days, amid a sell-off in luxury stocks and little progress in talks to raise the …

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Top US China Policy Official Resigns – Sources

Top US China Policy Official Resigns – Sources

Top US State Department official Rick Waters will step down from his post, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters at a time of strained relations between Washington and Beijing. Waters, the deputy assistant secretary for China and Taiwan who heads the newly created China House policy department, announced his intention to step down at a staff meeting on …

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Prigozhin: 10,000 mercenaries killed in prison in Ukraine

Prigozhin: 10,000 mercenaries killed in prison in Ukraine

President Joe Biden told G7 leaders that the United States will support a coordinated effort with allies and partners to train Ukrainian pilots in the use of fighter jets, including the F-16. The White House confirms this after earlier reports on the matter appeared in the US media. The exercise is expected to take place entirely in Europe. However, U.S. …

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Ollongren believes in new members of the F-16 alliance, Ukraine

Ollongren believes in new members of the F-16 alliance, Ukraine

President Joe Biden told G7 leaders that the United States will support a coordinated effort with allies and partners to train Ukrainian pilots in the use of fighter jets, including the F-16. The White House confirms this after earlier reports on the matter appeared in the US media. The exercise is expected to take place entirely in Europe. However, U.S. …

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IMF chief hopes US debt ceiling deal will come before ’11th hour’

IMF chief hopes US debt ceiling deal will come before ’11th hour’

Kristalina Georgieva, director of the International Monetary Fund, said on Tuesday that she hoped the global economy would not have to wait until the 11th hour to deal with the US debt ceiling. Negotiators from the White House and Republican Congress are trying to resolve a months-long impasse over raising the U.S. government’s $31.4 trillion debt ceiling. Georgieva told a …

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Devastating El Niño damages trillions of euros. And we may have to deal with it again this year

Devastating El Niño damages trillions of euros.  And we may have to deal with it again this year

El Niño and its cooler sister, La Niña, alternate every few years. A ‘Super El Nino’ ​​is expected to occur this year. This warm Gulf Stream has enormous consequences for climate, nature, and society. El Niño’s economic damage runs into the trillions. The flow of unusually warm ocean water around the equator, stretching from South America to Asia, causes weather …

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