Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Britain wants to sign free trade agreement | Abroad

Britain wants to sign free trade agreement |  Abroad

The British government has announced that the United Kingdom will apply tomorrow to join the CBDP trade camp. “One year after we left the EU, we are building new alliances that will bring enormous economic benefits to the British people,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement. Joining the Free Trade Agreement, which includes all other members around the …

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Clothing retailer buys ASOS Topshop and Miss Selbridge brands | Now

Clothing retailer buys ASOS Topshop and Miss Selbridge brands |  Now

Clothing brands Topshop, Miss Selbridge, Topman and HIID have been acquired by British industrial beer association, the latter company on Monday. Known. ASOS is paying 5 265 million (approximately மில்லியன் 300 million) to acquire the brands. Shops and employees are not being transferred to new owners, thus endangering thousands of jobs. Four brands are still owned by the British Arcadia …

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The British want to join a trade camp with Australia and Mexico

The British want to join a trade camp with Australia and Mexico

The UK is filing on Monday to join a trade camp covering Canada, Australia and Japan. This was announced by the British government. The British left the EU on Monday, exactly one year ago. According to Prime Minister Johnson, the filing shows Britain’s ambition to do business with “our friends and allies around the world.” The CPDPP, the United Kingdom …

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Britain is applying to join the Free Trade Agreement


The UK government has announced that it is applying to join the CBDP trade camp on Monday. “One year after we left the EU, we are building new alliances that will bring enormous economic benefits to the British people,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement. Joining the Free Trade Agreement, which includes all other members around the Pacific, …

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Xiaomi has sued the United States for an investment ban

Xiaomi klaagt de VS aan voor investeringsverbod

Siomi has filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Defense and Economic Affairs. The smartphone maker sees the US investment ban as unjustified. The United States added Xiaomi to its corporate list last month. It lists companies that the United States believes have an alliance with a hostile military. Such companies face trade restrictions. According to Siomi, US investors …

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US accuses Myanmar military of coup

Verenigde Staten beschuldigen leger Myanmar van staatsgreep en gaan minder steun bieden aan overheid

The United States now officially claims that the Myanmar military has staged a coup against the Aung San Suu Kyi government. As a result, the United States will offer less support to the government, a State Department official said. “After a careful examination of the facts and circumstances, it appears that Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the ruling …

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US Senate first gives green light to Pete Pattiki …

VS-Senaat zet licht op groen voor Pete Buttigieg als eerste openlijk homoseksuele minister

With 86 votes to 13, the U.S. Senate on Tuesday approved 39-year-old Pete Pattick as Secretary of Transportation. Pattickek becomes the first gay minister in the US government. Pattikke was known to the public when he ran as the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election.After a promising start, he withdrew his candidacy and then rallied behind the winning Joe …

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Tesla recalls 135,000 cars, blaming Nvidia


Electric car maker Tesla recalls 135,000 Model S and Model X cars in the United States. Those cars built between 2012 and 2018 may have touchscreen issues that control almost all of the car’s functions. According to Tesla, the problems were caused by the Nvidia chips used by the company. Last month, the U.S. The Road Safety Board (NHDSA) has …

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Iran wants EU to mediate to secure nuclear deal Now

Iran wants EU to mediate to secure nuclear deal  Now

The EU must act as a mediator between Iran and the United States to secure the 2015 nuclear deal. This is opposed by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif CNN International Said. According to Geoffrey, Joseph Borrell, the top representative of European foreign policy, should act as a mediator. As co-ordinator of the joint committee overseeing the deal, he could …

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Iran wants EU to mediate nuclear deal

Iran wil dat EU optreedt als bemiddelaar voor nucleair akkoord

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Sharif. Photo: EPA-EFE The EU must act as a mediator between Iran and the United States to secure the 2015 nuclear deal. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told CNN International. A nuclear deal was signed in 2015 between Iran, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union. Its …

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