Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Spain is reluctant to support US Sahara recognition

Spain is reluctant to support US Sahara recognition

February 14, 2021 – 9:20 AM – World © Spain is still in a difficult position when it comes to the Sahara issue. Many politicians and the majority of the Spanish population still support Policario, which embarrasses senior officials who support the UN position. The BAB reports that the Spanish government is reluctant to support US recognition of Moroccan sovereignty …

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Germany wants to keep troops in Afghanistan for a long time


Foreign Minister Heiko Moss announced on Saturday that the German government wants its troops to stay in Afghanistan longer. After the United States, Berlin supplies the largest troops in South Asia. Mass told the German media that peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban would not end “until the end of March” when the German forces’ order expires. …

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First contact between Nasser Borita and David Govrin

First contact between Nasser Borita and David Govrin

February 12, 2021 – 6:00 pm – Morocco © Israel’s Charge de Affairs in Morocco, David Govrin, has been based in Rabat since January 26. He met with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Borita on Tuesday to discuss strengthening ties between Morocco and Israel. Since coming to Rabat, David Govrin has met with various members of the Jewish community in Morocco …

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Twitter is going to name a more official government account

Twitter is going to name a more official government account

There are a lot of presidents and other government leaders on Twitter. There they tweet about all sorts of sensitive and insensitive things. Twitter now believes security and freedom of expression go hand in hand. So, they are going to have more accounts Officially As a government person or entity. According to Twitter, it adds an environment where people can …

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Trump continues to fight, but Biden ‘ready to run the world’

Trump continues to fight, but Biden 'ready to run the world'

Biden: Ready to lead the world The new U.S. administration, led by President Joe Biden, is poised to lead the world, he said in a keynote address on Tuesday. “First, let’s unite the United States and the world,” said Biden, referring to Donald Trump’s first policy of the United States, which deviated from many agreements. “We have no time to …

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US returns to UN Human Rights Council ஐ CITI

Following the withdrawal of the United States from the UN Human Rights Council in 2018 over the body’s “long-standing bias against Israel,” the Biden administration has announced its return to the United States. US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen Israel is the only country in the world that is a regular item on the agenda of Human Rights Council meetings. …

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Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online

Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online

Sixteen federal assistant attorneys have asked U.S. Attorney William Barr not to authorize investigations into election fraud. Assistant attorneys stated this in a letter, which is at hand Washington Post. It is unclear how many assistant lawyers Bar has appointed to investigate possible election fraud. Incumbent President Donald Trump called election fraud on and before election day. He has not …

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‘I will leave the White House’

'I will leave the White House'

That doesn’t mean he has already conceded his loss. He says he still takes into account that it will change if he wins. Removed from the table According to Trump, ‘large-scale fraud’ has taken place in states that have become decisive. In the cases he has been filing with his campaign team for weeks, his lawyers have been unable to …

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Australia and the United States are demanding the immediate release of Sookie

Australia, US demand immediate release of Suu Kyi

Australia says it is very concerned about the news surrounding the situation. “We call on the military to abide by the law, resolve disputes legally, and immediately release anyone detained illegally,” Australian Foreign Secretary Marice Payne said in a statement. The arrests were also reported to US President Joe Biden. The U.S. government says it will take action if the …

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