Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

It takes place behind the walls of the Palace of Peace | Ministries

It takes place behind the walls of the Palace of Peace |  Ministries

Ministries Blog post | 04/13/2021 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs From the South China Sea to Russia’s Yugos Billions: For over 120 years, the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Peace Palace in The Hague has been active in resolving international disputes peacefully. Also the number of cases pending in the arbitral tribunal is increasing. Secretary-General Hugo Sibils: “Every dispute …

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Taiwan: 25 Chinese planes enter airspace

Taiwan: 25 Chinese planes enter airspace

At least 25 Chinese warplanes entered the airspace of the island state on Monday, according to the Taiwanese government. International news organizations report this. This would be the biggest violation of Taiwan’s airspace in a year. As stated in it South China Morning Post (SCMP) The plane flew to the southwestern part of the sky. Chinese officials have not yet …

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Korean makers find solution for battery packs for electric cars | Now

Korean makers find solution for battery packs for electric cars |  Now

LG Energy Solution and SK Innovation, two main battery cells and battery packs for electric cars, settled a dispute Sunday over patents and trade secrets in the United States. This allows projects to continue for new factories and parts distribution. With this deal, the shortage of battery cells and battery packs for Ford and Volkswagen in the United States has …

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Solution South Korean Battery Builders Relieve Military Trouble –

Solution South Korean Battery Builders Relieve Military Trouble -

WASHINGTON (ANP / BLOOMBERG) – Two South Korean manufacturers of batteries for electric cars have settled a long-running dispute with a 1.5 billion solution. Joe Biden’s government, S.K. Innovation and LGC insisted on coming to an agreement because their fight affected his ambitions for the electrification of the US car fleet. The International Trade Commission, the US fair international trade …

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Former US Secretary of State Ramsay Clark has died at the age of 93

Former US Secretary of State Ramsay Clark has died at the age of 93

Former United States Attorney General and human rights lawyer Ramsay Clark has died at the age of 93. Report it American media Based on the statement of his family. Born in Dallas, Texas in 1927, Clark came from a politically important family. For example, his father, Tom C. Clark served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Washington. Clark …

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The Surinamese delegation is making a joint trip to the United States

Amerikaanse vlag

From April 19, a delegation from Suriname will make a joint trip to the United States. Discussions will take place with the United States Congress, The State Department and the U.S. Treasury. Discussions with the following organizations are on the agenda; International Monetary Fund, World Bank, IDP, The OAS and The Pan-American Health Organization. In addition, the government delegation will …

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Many ministers go abroad – Suriname Herald

Many ministers go abroad - Suriname Herald

Many ministers will be abroad next week. This is a work visit starting April 19th. Ministers Albert Ramdin (Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Cooperation), Armond Achievers (Finance and Planning) and David Abiamofo (Natural Resources). Annand Jakeser (Executive Director Statsoli) and Karel Ekhorst are also part of the delegation. The delegation will hold talks with the US Congress, the United …

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Daniel Ricciardo: ‘Formula 1 crash madness’

Daniel Ricciardo: 'Formula 1 crash madness'

McLaren driver Daniel Ricciardo is angry over the use of Formula 1 crashes. According to Honey Badger, the game’s social media channels place more emphasis on accidents. Ricciardo believes that instead of getting publicity from Formula 1 serious accidents, we should focus on other aspects. Crossgen Daniel’s comments are not new: he has already complained that Romain Crosgion’s violent accident …

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Iran releases captured South Korean tanker

Iran releases captured South Korean tanker

Iran releases captured South Korean tanker Tangerwart The South Korean ship captured by Iran earlier this year has been released by the country. The South Korean Foreign Ministry said on Friday that Iran had also released the captain. Teacher’s Office NT / ANP Send email 9 April 2021 09:27 The oil tanker was part of a political dispute between the …

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