Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Harris responds to China’s claims in the South China Sea during a trip to Asia

Harris responds to China's claims in the South China Sea during a trip to Asia

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Vice President Kamala Harris will focus on securing international bases in the South China Sea, strengthening US regional leadership and expanding security cooperation during visits to Vietnam and Singapore this month. The housing official told Reuters. Harris will be the first U.S. vice president to visit Vietnam as Washington strengthens international support to counter China’s growing global …

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Forests planted with nothing: CO2 compensation in smoke

Forests planted with nothing: CO2 compensation in smoke

“We have planted forests, but they are now burning in the fire.” This is what the CO2 manager of Microsoft said at an online show Think Tank Carbon 180. Forests funded by companies such as Microsoft and PP have been burned in the US states of Washington and Oregon. In this way they try to offset their CO2 emissions. It …

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Dutch companies have more insurance against ransomware


Surprisingly, more companies are insured against ransomware in other countries. In the Netherlands, 47% of companies have insurance, 63% in India, 58% in the United States and 50% in France. Do not pay the redemption amount Defendants claim that if a Dutch organization fell victim to a ransomware attack, the perpetrators would have to recover an average of 1.1 million …

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South America’s largest supermarket chain removes Ben & Jerry from its shelves

South America's largest supermarket chain removes Ben & Jerry from its shelves

El Rosado Group stores in Ecuador. Photo YouTube. From the El Rosado Group, With more than 180 stores The owner of one of Ecuador’s largest supermarket chains has decided to remove all Unilever ice cream from its stores due to Ben & Jerry’s boycott of Israeli settlements. Ecuador’s largest supermarket chain, owned by the El Rosado Group, has announced that …

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The United States and Britain have accused Iran of attacking an oil tanker near Oman

Verenigde Staten vaccineren al hun diplomaten, Oostenrijk helpt met vaccins voor Balkanlanden

The United States and Britain on Sunday accused Iran of attacking an oil tanker on Mercer Street near Oman earlier this week. This was reported by international news organizations. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has promised that the United States will provide an “appropriate response” to the attack that killed two people. Blingen said he believed “based information” was …

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Research on American boarding schools: ‘Kids are missing here too’

Research on American boarding schools: 'Kids are missing here too'

“This building was classrooms, and the house next door had a dining room,” Talahongwa said as he walked towards a small exhibition space set up in his building. Visual cases with wall books from the 60s and 70s and class photos from the early 20th century are hung on the wall. The faces are clearly the original people of America, …

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US seizes used oil tanker …

Verenigde Staten leggen beslag op olietanker die gebruikt werd voor illegale levering aan Noord-Korea

A U.S. federal court on Friday confiscated an oil tanker believed to have been used to deliver it to North Korea. This is against US sanctions against Pyongyang. The U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement that the M / T Courageous oil products were shipped to North Korean flagships and delivered to the North Korean port of Nambo. …

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Biden appoints Deborah Lipstad as anti-Semitism coordinator CITI

US President Joe Biden will call on historian Deborah Lipstadt To appoint As the co-ordinator of anti-Semitism. Lipstad is best known for its high profile case against David Irving, a professor of modern Jewish studies and Holocaust studies and a British Holocaust denier. (Source: Wikipedia) Lipstad has written several books on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism and has been active in …

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The United States has its position on the Moroccan Sahara

The United States has its position on the Moroccan Sahara

29 July 2021 – 8:09 pm – Morocco © During a visit to Morocco, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East Joey Hood reassured Moroccan officials of the U.S. position on the Moroccan Sahara. This situation remains reassuring to Rabat, who feared it would be called into question. Joey Hood was welcomed in Rabat by Foreign Minister Nasser …

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Beijing sends ‘fighting wolf’ abroad as ambassador to Washington

Beijing sends 'fighting wolf' abroad as ambassador to Washington

China has sent a well-known ambassador to the United States for its provocation in its homeland. According to Chinese diplomacy, the Kin Kang will begin to work at a time when relations between the two world powers are “at a standstill”. John F. John of New York. The Chinese embassy in Washington said Kennedy arrived at the international airport yesterday. …

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