Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Dave Chappell gets a lot of support during the show in London

Dave Chappell gets a lot of support during the show in London

If Dave Chappell (48) had decided to remove his latest show ‘The Closer’ from the streaming service, he would have informed the public during his show in London that he would be touring 10 different cities in the United States. Dave was fired after several Netflix employees objected to what he considered to be comments that offended the LBGTQ + …

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Content in multiple languages- How do you do this?

Content in multiple languages- How do you do this?

Content has become the content of our fast-changing world. We humans have always wanted to be entertained in one way or another. We browse the company’s websites, read magazines and look at the flyers that came in the mail. As a company, of course, you have to take this into account. How do you make sure you reach as many …

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Facebook pays millions for discrimination against Americans

Facebook pays millions for discrimination against Americans

Photo: ANP Facebook has reached a settlement with the US government over discrimination against job seekers in the United States. The social media company is said to have reserved thousands of positions, especially for foreigners who can work in the United States on temporary work visas. With a $ 14.3 million fine converted to about 12.3 million euros, Facebook has …

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Petrobras investors want compensation through a Dutch court

Petrobras investors want compensation through a Dutch court

Photo: ANP Non-American shareholders of Brazilian oil company Petropras are seeking compensation from the company through a Dutch court. Due to a scandal and bribery scandal in 2014, Petrobras stock prices plummeted and securities became much less valuable. Stakeholders, including key investors, want to be compensated. Petropras claims it is the victim of corrupt directors and defends himself against the …

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Turkey invites ten ambassadors, including Dutch

Turkey invites ten ambassadors, including Dutch

In addition to the Netherlands, embassies in the United States, Germany and France have voiced support for the release of detainees detained since 2017. Initially, a Turkish businessman was arrested in 2013 for protesting in Istanbul’s Kesi Park. The protests grew into a demonstration against President Erdogan. Last year, after a short-lived release, there was a suspicion that 2016 was …

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It would cost at least $ 6 trillion to control global warming

It would cost at least $ 6 trillion to control global warming

Keeping the global average temperature below 1.5 ° C by 2050 will require an investment of at least $ 6 trillion. This was stated in a recent research report by consulting firm Arcadies. In 2015, the Climate Conference was organized by the United Nations in Paris. It sets various goals for mitigating climate change. Reducing global warming by 1.5 degrees …

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Thousands take to the streets against President El Salvador

Thousands take to the streets against President El Salvador

On September 7, El Salvador became the first country in the world to legalize bitcoin. The virtual currency will be at the same level as the US dollar, which became the official currency of the country twenty years ago. It is an initiative of President Naib Bukel Artes, who wants to create jobs and “enable fundraising for thousands of people …

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Debate in the United States after the media scandal of the Pettito case, ‘Missing missing black women is not taken seriously’

Debate in the United States after the media scandal of the Pettito case, 'Missing missing black women is not taken seriously'

Not only in the media, but also in the police, according to critics, there is no urgency for a black woman. “These things are taken less seriously,” says Derrick Wilson of the organization Black and missing, They have been focusing on cases of missing persons in black families for 13 years. “We often see the family being told that their …

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Purchasing power has increased by almost 60 percent in 40 years

Purchasing power has increased by almost 60 percent in 40 years

The poverty rate has declined on average since 1977. “The reason for this is that the labor force participation rate has increased. The best solution is to work on doing something about poverty. Another group that sometimes falls below the poverty line are the self-employed who have had a bad year. “They can live on their reserves, but they are …

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Size is important, but rarely used

Size is important, but rarely used

The Net International Investment Status (“NIIP”) is a very important, but rarely used, indicator of a country’s financial health, Les Nemit examines in his latest corporate finance column. NIIP is the difference between a country’s external financial assets (including assets owned by overseas residents and its subsidiaries) and its liabilities (including public and private debt and corporate shares of foreigners). …

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