American (81) six days in a car in the snow, survived on cookies and croissants

The man, Jerry Jouret, was en route to his home in Nevada from the state of California. He began his hour-long journey when he was overtaken by extreme winter conditions. A snowstorm got him stuck.

On February 24, Jouret was heard from for the last time. His family began to worry when he didn’t come home and because of the extreme winter conditions.

Cookies and snowflakes

But Jouret himself does not panic. His grandson, Christian, tells at the BBC how his grandfather kept himself alive by eating cookies and leftover croissants. When he was thirsty, he rolled down his window to catch snow.

Jouret turned on his car heater when he got cold, but then turned it off again. In this way, he managed to survive three and a half days. But then the engine cut out, just as the car window was partially down. Then he tried to warm himself with a blanket and a towel that were in the car.

The man was found by a phone signal that may be linked to him, according to US police.

A previous rescue operation, on February 28, had to be canceled due to weather conditions. On March 2, helicopters managed to find Jouret’s car. “There we saw a man waving at us from a car window,” police said.

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