a large mysterious object washes up on the beach – Wel.nl

A large cylindrical object has washed up on a beach in Western Australia. It probably doesn’t come from a boat or a plane, but what is? The Australian authorities are puzzled.

The huge metallic object was discovered by residents of Green Head Beach, a beach about 250 kilometers north of Perth. The article is currently under investigation. It is unlikely to have come from an airliner. The thing is considered dangerous. People are therefore ordered to keep their distance by order of the police.

“We want to reassure people that we are actively working with federal authorities to determine the origin and nature of the object,” police said in a statement.

According to Green Head residents, the cylinder is about 2.5 meters wide and up to 3 meters long. Many went to see the thing on Saturday. A local resident described it as a “great social evening”. “It was a nice quiet night, the kids were building sand castles next to the thing,” he told ABC.

Aviation expert Geoffrey Thomas believes the object could be a fuel tank from a rocket that fell in the Indian Ocean in the past year.

The Australian space agency also says the huge cylinder could have come from an “alien spacecraft” and will inquire with international space agencies.

Earlier there was speculation the cylinder was part of MH370, the plane that went missing off the west coast of Australia in 2014, but that’s impossible, according to Thomas. “It is not part of a Boeing 777 and the MH370 has been missing for 9.5 years so the remains would be much more damaged,” said the expert.

Sources): BBC News

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