With the help of many viewers, he now has a bit more of what’s going on. This way the presenter knows that the amount is for the import fees you have to pay for a package from overseas.
One of his followers, whom the presenter calls “Ernst,” brainstormed with Eddy on the matter and made an intelligent discovery. After many round trips at different rates, Ernst calculated that Eddy would have to pay around $ 342 for his package and import charges, but the release said $ 342,324. “Someone wanted to adjust the amount of $ 342 to the daily rate, which was $ 324,” the theory says. So it is likely that an administrative error was made here: instead of adjusting the amount to three digits, only three digits were added. A few more calculations in yen, dollars and euros later, Ernst was able to convert the six-figure amount back to what Eddy has to pay in euros to take his clock radio home.
After all this fiddling with different currencies, the musician does not yet have his clock radio. After a phone call with PostNL, it turned out that his package was already on its way to Schiphol to be returned to Japan. They quickly try to stop the package, so Eddy can show Ernst and his followers his purchase in a later video. “Code Red may have helped me a bit now and the package is still in the Netherlands,” Eddy says hopefully.
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