You cannot install PS5 games on external storage

Posted by Sheriff Chad, Monday, 9 November 2020 09:43 GMT

The PS5 has a killer limit, which can be problematic if left unresolved.

Drive space is at a premium for both PS5 And Xbox Series X / S. Microsoft’s solution allows players to use slow external drives as cold storage; Moving rarely played games to them and copying them back when they want to play.

Sony’s solution, not one. As mentioned by us PS5 Review, The PS5 box only has 667GB of usable storage. The internal drive is mostly for PS5 games, but you can install PS4 games on it.

However, the kicker cannot move PS5 games on the external drive. The console UI only allows you to move PS4 games back and forth, but that transfer menu does not even list PS5 games.

This is likely to change when Sony allows NVMe SSDs to be installed in the expansion slot After launch, But even then, NVM prices will push many more over the years.

Supporting cold storage is going to be deeply needed for the generation we receive. Players with meter connections, and a few game converters find it very difficult to stick only with internal storage.

The Xbox Series X / S both offer that capability in a day, so it’s disappointing to see Sony miss out there. The good news is, at least for now, your PS4 games can run on external drives, so most PS5 games have two hundred gigabytes for free.

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