Spike in Antisemitic Incidents During Israel-Hamas Conflict, Reports Anti-Defamation League – Dodo Finance

Title: Surge in Antisemitic Incidents in the US Following Israel-Hamas Conflict

(Word count: 356)

New York, NY – The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has revealed concerning statistics regarding the rise in antisemitic incidents in the United States following the Israel-Hamas war. According to the ADL’s report, from October 7 to October 23, there were 312 recorded incidents, a significant increase from 64 incidents during the same period just last year.

Of the 312 incidents, 190 were directly linked to the Israel-Hamas conflict. The surge in incidents saw a staggering 388% spike in harassment, vandalism, and assault when compared to last year.

The severity of these hate crimes cannot be overlooked. One particularly disturbing incident occurred in New York City’s Grand Central Terminal, where a 29-year-old woman was punched solely because she was Jewish.

Adding to the concern, extremist groups have experienced a surge in antisemitic hate speech on platforms such as Telegram. The ADL reported a shocking 1,000% increase in violent messages referring to Jews and Israel on the messaging platform.

Antisemitic incidents are not isolated to the United States. Europe has also witnessed a rise in such incidents, including a 240% increase in Germany and a total of 588 incidents reported in France.

Notably, the ADL has identified close to 400 “anti-Israel” rallies across the United States, some of which have expressed explicit support for terrorism.

While the rise in antisemitism has been catastrophic, it is crucial to acknowledge that other communities are also facing threats and violence. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has raised concerns over the increase in Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian rhetoric, alongside a surge in threats and violence against Muslim Americans.

Worryingly, the ADL’s findings indicate that the antisemitic incidents were on the rise even before the Israel-Hamas conflict. A national poll conducted by the ADL and the University of Chicago revealed that roughly 10 million American adults hold high levels of both antisemitism and support for political violence. Shockingly, this number surpasses the total number of Jews in the United States.

The ADL’s report serves as a stark reminder that hate crimes and ignorance continue to plague our communities. Urgent action and education are necessary to curb this alarming trend and promote respect and understanding among all individuals, regardless of their religion or background.

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