Wassenaar VVD is proud of its new Alderman Laurens van Doveren

Mr Laurens van Doeveren was appointed alderman by the city council last Tuesday evening. Laurens van Doeveren Wassenaar was nominated by the VVD and holds the finance, economy and sports portfolio. He was also the first Deputy Mayor.

Until recently, the new alderman was the consul general for the Netherlands in five US states based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Group President Gerbrandt Nijmann: “We think it’s very special to leave such a wonderful job as Consul General Lawrence and fulfill the position of Alderman in Wassenaar.” At the College, van Doveren is also responsible for projects such as refurbishing our Village Centre, refurbishing the interior of De Pauw Council Hall, renovating and preparing the Municipal Yard and completing the new Municipal Sports Arena. With Kiwi.

During the previous term, Lawrence van Doveren Wassenaar was the head of the VVD. As party leader, he saw that public money was spent efficiently and effectively. During his time on the council, but also during his tenure in Atlanta, he has shown that he can do a good job. During his tenure as a councillor, he too was well aware of what was going on in Wassenaar. He continues to actively follow political and other developments in Wassenaar from Atlanta. He is well known to our village and is in the middle of the community. By shopping in Wassenaar, playing sports in Wassenaar and going to many gatherings. Wassenaar’s VVD fraction also had points to recommend him as our alderman.

We believe these skills will serve him well as a true Wassenaar alderman.

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