10 Long-Term Podcasts to Check Out

Although mid-2022 will see many popular podcasts discontinued, podcasts seem to be here to stay: Man, Man, Man, for example, or the self-podcast. Fortunately, there are plenty of podcasts to listen to regularly. Podcasts are constantly updated with new episodes, so you can hear something new every week (sometimes even every day). These podcasts are huge at the time of writing and are still ongoing.

1. PorteRenee

PorteRenee has made so many episodes of her podcast that it’s hard to imagine she hasn’t already said everything there is to say about money. PorteRenee is all about money and a Dutch podcast, which is a big plus. There are also good money podcasts from the US, but the system is a bit different there. You undoubtedly won’t always agree with PorteRenee, but it’s a great podcast to have fun thinking about your finances.

2. Conan O’Briand needs a friend

Talk show host Conan O’Brien used to have a talk show on television, but in a way continues it on a podcast. He puts all kinds of famous people to the test and does it a bit longer than the showbait-like construction he used to have on his talk show. It’s a wonderfully long listen and O’Brien argues with his assistants. Very entertaining.

3. Moth

Moth is one of our favorite podcasts because it’s not hung up on a celebrity, it’s about random people. Well, random people who all have one thing in common, which is that they reveal a very personal story to millions of outsiders. Each story is special to listen to and the tone in The Moth is so sweet that you keep listening.

4. University of the Netherlands

Well, The Moth is one of our favorite English-language podcasts because University of the Netherlands is our favorite Dutch podcast. Even if you think a particular subject isn’t interesting (or too complicated), the sweet humor of the subjects that pass the review can be fascinating. In this podcast, professors and geniuses of all kinds pass on something from their field in a telling, but understandable way. to enjoy.

5. Bandsline

If podcasts are a bit difficult because you love music, Bandsplain might be a good compromise. Every week Yassi Saleh comes with a fan explaining his favorite band. For example, hours are spent on the history of red hot chili peppers. However, all this is told in such an animated manner that you can easily listen to it and expect more.

6. Crime program

Crime Show is a good show to replace Moordcast because they haven’t posted anything in a while. The Crime Show is an English-language podcast where each episode zooms in on a specific criminal event and you hear about the lives lost and the impact it has had. There are often amazing twists and crazy situations that will leave your mouth open in amazement. Oh, one more thing?

7. NRC today

If you want to listen to a recurring podcast every day, NRC Today is a good choice. In it, all kinds of journalists from the newspaper talk about the news of the day. Not much to bring up the news, but specifically to dive into the story behind it. A little explanation. A small NRC may also follow.

8. Marc-Marie and Off discover something

This podcast isn’t for everyone, but that’s mainly because Marc-Marie and Off aren’t for everyone. It doesn’t matter, because if you really appreciate them, you’ll enjoy all their worries about everyday things like Airfryers and cargo bike people. They sometimes get bogged down in the questions or frustrations they have, but every time it’s a treat to hear how these two special people review everything in life.

9. Darknet Diaries

Darknet Diaries is recommended for techies. Its episodes don’t come out as often as many podcasts, but it’s still going strong. Jack Rhysider takes a closer look at all things cyber security and hacking in this podcast. He explains what usually goes on behind closed doors, so you get a lot more information and a better understanding of the world of cybersecurity. Something you can use in your own life to monitor your cyber security.

10. Podcast Psychologist

Podcasts are informative, but can also be self-help books in audio format. That’s what Podcast Psychologist is all about. Every time a particular topic is discussed it relates to your brain. Stress, comfort, grief: it all comes through in this long-running podcast that gives you more insight into yourself and those around you. Use it to your advantage.

Laura Jenny

When she’s not tapping, she’s roaming around the world of fantastic entertainment or some cool place in the real world. Mario is the hero of her life,…

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