The Negev summit in Morocco was postponed as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalated

February 21, 2023 – 11:00 PM – Morocco


The second Negev forum has been postponed due to the escalation of Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the occupied territories. The meeting was scheduled to take place next month in southern Morocco.

A second meeting of foreign ministers of countries that have signed the Abraham Accords, or the Negev Forum, is scheduled to take place in the Moroccan Sahara in March, although no firm date has been set, according to reports. Israel Hayom. The summit was recently postponed due to increasing Israeli attacks on Palestinians.

Also Read: Al Adel Wal Ihsaneh Condemns Negev Summit in Morocco

Morocco, in a message to Israel, expressed its concern over the situation in the Occupied Territories and the policies of Israel’s Minister of National Defense, Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Also read: Takla hosts next Negev summit

During the first meeting in Israel’s Negev desert, the participants (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco) discussed their cooperation in the fields of energy, regional security, tourism, food security, water and sanitation. Morocco has normalized its relationship with Israel under the Abraham Covenant in exchange for US recognition of the Moroccan nature of the Sahara.

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