No, Henry Kissinger Did Not Advocate Mandatory Vaccination – Newscheckers

Note: This fact check was done based on information available on the date of publication. Read about our working method here.

Make a claim

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advocated mandatory vaccination in 2009.


Proof of claim

It will be in December 2022 A photo on Twitter From a quote by former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger, according to the film, said during a speech at the WHO’s “Council on Eugenics” that once mandatory vaccination was accepted by the public, people would increasingly accept drastic measures such as forced organ donation and genetic modification of children.

Eugenics It involves the idea that a population can be genetically improved. Eugenics is closely related to race theory and is inseparable from the Holocaust. The quote is said to be dated February 25, 2009.

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The tweet suggests that Kissinger advocates mandatory vaccination and other mandatory biomedical policies.

Why is this false?

On Kissinger Own website Archive of his speeches and interviews. It contains two speeches and an interview from 2009: “Intellectual foundations of tripartite cooperation in the 21st century” April 26, 2009; “The future role of the IEAOctober 14, 2009; and “Henry Kissinger Interview with Der SpiegelJuly 6, 2009. None of these speeches and interviews mentioned the word vaccine or dealt with themes like the image quoted from Twitter.

By doing a Google search, you can find at least two texts from 2009. And in both of these A speech at the 45th Munich Security Conference And Christopher J. A speech at the Markins LectureKissinger did not talk about mandatory vaccinations.

We also find two interviews with Kissinger from 2009 on YouTube. A then-Kissinger Received the International Republican League’s Freedom Award; One second When he participated on the board of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Here too there is no mention of compulsory vaccination.

Old story

Stackexchange’s question-and-answer forum In early 2022, a user wondered if this quote was real. Other users searched all of Kissinger’s speeches on his website and old Kissinger speeches. Ford Library Consulted. There is also no mention of compulsory vaccination. Another user found the accusation An obscure blog post from March 13, 2019.

By the way, the image from Twitter appears to be a photograph from a newspaper or magazine. From a discussion on Stackexchange, it is clear that the image was originally shared on Facebook, and you can see how the text below has been truncated. A screenshot of this was printed, and then it was photographed, perhaps to make the image appear authentic. Since the printed image appears to be a screenshot from Facebook, it is unlikely that the quote actually came from a newspaper or magazine.

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Image courtesy of Facebook. It matches Twitter’s image.

This request has been circulating on social media for some time now. So he wrote Snopes has already verified the fact in April 2019. A May 26, 2020 Reuters fact check The eugenics council sought answers from both Kissinger and the WHO as to whether or not it existed. The WHO confirmed that no such event or incident involving eugenics had ever occurred. Kissinger’s spokesmen said the quote was actually a myth.


So a standard story that is not true. Kissinger did not mention compulsory vaccination in the sources consulted. Also, there was never a WHO “Council on Eugenics”. The claim appears to come from an obscure blog post with no evidence behind the quote.

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