The university is teaching Bitcoin this semester – from BLOX

One of the largest universities in the United States offers a very special course: courses on Bitcoin. So says Professor Korok Ray, who teaches students all about Bitcoin.

The professor spoke Twitter He is the first person to teach Bitcoin at Texas A&M. Texas A&M is a public research university located in College Station, Texas. It is the face of the Texas A&M University system.

The lesson pack focuses on the Bitcoin protocol

There are hundreds of courses offered online, each more attractive than the next. They all promise you that learning a trade can make you rich. With beautiful pictures of exotic locations and expensive cars, influencers promise you mountains of (digital) gold.

Korok Ray’s lessons have nothing to do with trading, reading charts and how to make profits. His course is called ‘Bitcoin Protocol’ and is for students of the College of Engineering and Mace Business School. Classes will begin on Tuesday, January 17, the start of the new semester.

Trust the School of Bitcoin Importance

Ray shared his plans 4 part thread on Twitter. He says they will follow Jimmy Chang’s book Programming Bitcoin to see what Bitcoin’s protocol looks like. Students learn to “build a Bitcoin library from scratch.”

The professor added that it took a lot of effort and time to get the course approved. Ray spent months trying to convince the school’s relevant curriculum committee.

Bitcoin helps financial literacy

Education will become a key pillar for normalizing Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Learning about Bitcoin increases financial literacy. Bitcoin interfaces with finance, economics, philosophy, programming and is a good teacher of how unfair the world is.

More knowledge available, less debate Crypto is nothing but speculation. Crypto is too quickly and often dismissed as speculation, something with no intrinsic value.

But this is a naive and wrong view. We hope that Korok Ray’s teachings will help a new generation of university students understand more about the unknown.

Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey Launch Bitcoin Academy

Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey started dating last summer Bitcoin Academy, with special classes for children aged 5 to 17 years. Classes at the academy are free and offered both online and offline.

These types of initiatives are important to renewing financial education in crypto classrooms, and can go beyond telling young people who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

It is understandable that schools and universities are reluctant to teach about crypto. Unfortunately, crypto has a perception that it is nothing more than a gamble or a high-risk investment, and it will take time to change this.

Kids learn about crypto without naming it crypto

But at the same time, teaching kids about crypto is essential. Current educational models are not designed to prepare children for some of the aspects of the digital world in which they find themselves.

Elementary school students and teenagers don’t need to understand what blockchain is or master the nuances between proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. But they can be given practical lessons that focus on concepts they already understand.

Kids are already using their money to buy digital assets. These costs take place in digital game worlds like Roblox or Fortnite.

It’s only a matter of time before some clever company convinces kids that their NFT collection is the new Flippos, and the collection craze begins. It would be helpful if not only schools but also parents talk about this and give children the right tools to make good decisions.

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