Conference with lunch on the link with Oceania

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At the invitation of associations for the elderly, Fanny Wonu Veys will give a lecture on January 24, 2023 at De Acker in Pijnacker on the historical link between the Netherlands and Oceania. What do Middelburg, Hoorn, Oegstgeest, Utrecht or Amsterdam have to do with Oceania? In her lecture, Fanny Wonu Veys explains how the Netherlands has been connected to Oceania since the beginning of the 17th century. The business interests of the Dutch East India Company played a central role in this.

Fanny Wonu Veys is curator at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam and the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden, among others. She has worked in museums in Cambridge, New York and Paris. She has participated in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad and has several publications to her credit.

Oceania includes the Australian continent and a large number of islands between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. New Zealand and New Guinea also belong to Oceania. The colonial links of the Netherlands with the former Dutch New Guinea are also discussed.

For some regions, the Dutch were the first Europeans to discover a piece of land. As cartographers, the Dutch gave names to places in Oceania, some of which are still used today, such as New Zealand and Easter Island.

On January 24, 2023, you are welcome from 9:30 a.m. at Meeting Center De Acker, Park Berkenoord 2, Pijnacker. The conference is from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. with an intermission. Starting at 12 p.m., participants will have a well-prepared lunch. The meeting ends at 1:00 p.m.

The fee for the conference, two coffees/teas and a curated lunch is €17.50.

You can register to participate until January 22, 2023. You register by transferring €17.50 to bank account number NL79 RABO 0142 2098 48 in the name of AA van der Maarel SBO Pijnacker-Nootdorp. When making the transfer, please indicate “Oceania”, your telephone number and your e-mail address. You will not receive confirmation of your registration. For any questions, please call Ab van der Maarel, phone 369 37 85.

Information on the activities and membership of the associations for the elderly in Nootdorp and Pijnacker can be found on the website

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