‘Don’t wait to take the trip of your dreams’ | Travel

Best memory

“In April of this year, I ran the Arizona Trail, which was much harder than expected. After more than 1,100 kilometers of hiking we arrived at the Grand Canyon. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I was so proud to me and happy to be there, plus the Grand Canyon is amazingly beautiful.


“While I was sandboarding in Huacachina Peru, I got off the board and bounced off a huge sand dune like a rag doll. It was a blow and I thought it was the end of my vacation. The next day I was terribly nauseous and thought I had a concussion. I had to sit on a bus for twelve hours to get to the nearest big city. I didn’t didn’t have a concussion, but I had to calm down for a week and take painkillers.”


“I was terrified of going to Australia on my own, but it was awesome. In four weeks I saw the highlights of the east coast and met lots of cool people. After that I did many more dream trips by myself.

Always with you

“My reader. I like to read and when you travel alone it’s good to have something to do if you have to wait a long time.”


“I grew up in Lutjegast, the village where explorer Abel Tasman was born. His biggest discovery was New Zealand and I heard a lot about it in primary school. This country has always attracted me. In addition, it seems crazy in terms of nature.


“Lagos in Portugal is the perfect city. Not too big, but many restaurants and cafes and cozy beaches, easily accessible by public transport and many beautiful hiking trails in the area. Moreover, I find the Portuguese very friendly and hospitable.”


“Don’t wait to take the trip of your dreams, it probably won’t happen. If you really want to go somewhere, plan it and start saving. Are you not taking anyone with you? Go alone.”


“Berlin and New York. Everyone is very excited about it, so I went there with high expectations. Berlin was probably also very unlucky in terms of weather (wet snow in April, so cold) and New York was very busy and very hot (35 degrees). Maybe I’ll give them a second chance.”

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