The son of a Holocaust survivor sent Afghan refugees to the United States

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Delta Airlines pilot Alexander Kahn transported hundreds of Afghan refugees from Ramstein Air Base in Germany to the United States last week.

Kahn told CNN the theft was important to him for a number of reasons. First, because her father was a Holocaust survivor who came to the United States destitute as a refugee.

“I am the son of an immigrant to the United States. My father was a Holocaust survivor, he was released from Buchenwald concentration camp by Patton’s Third Army and came to the US not much different from the people who come to the US now, ”Kahn said. to Jewish host John Berman on Friday. from CNN. “New day”.

“He came with nothing but the clothes he was wearing, no family, no English skills and he had to start his life over. Fortunately, he started his life over in the land of possibilities.

When asked how he felt on board, Kahn said he could put himself in the refugees’ shoes.

“It’s going to be a terrifying experience for them, but it has the potential to be a great experience for them. My father came to the United States, learned English, went to school, became a doctor, and came back to West Germany years later as a doctor for the US military, ”he said. he declared.

Kahn noted that the flight attendants prepared for the trip the day before by purchasing items for the Afghan refugees, such as diapers, books, candy and other essentials. They knew that these evacuees would come without the possibility of preparing, ”he said. The flight attendants refused to accept reimbursement of their expenses.

Berman asked Kahn what he would tell his passengers in a few years, if he had the chance.

“I think I would probably ask them how their experience went. Were they able to achieve goals they never thought possible? And give them hope, show them that we are a country of legal immigrants and that is what the United States has built. We are a generous country because we are a generous people and they have a future.

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